Our Father Which Art In Heaven…
“The love and affection that we long for can be found in Him.”
We celebrate holidays all throughout the year, some major, some not as significant. Nonetheless we have plenty of opportunities for celebrations. I am always very sensitive to people who for some reason or other are unable to or choose not to celebrate certain holidays. Of course the reasons vary and carry understandable validity. As Father’s Day approaches this Sunday lots of plans are being made to honor our Fathers with gifts, cards, special family gatherings, and delicious meals. But what about those who do not have that relationship with a father who they can honor?
There are many roles in life that many may never experience. We are brought into this world by way of a biological mother and father, whether we are raised by them or not. In the circle of life unfortunately they do not remain with us forever. Some women never experience the blessing of motherhood, therefore the celebration of Mother’s Day does not become a reality. However we all can and should celebrate the Father that each one of us has, our heavenly Father.
No situation, no circumstance can ever remove Him from us and we have the opportunity and responsibility to honor Him every day – not just one day out of the year. The fact of the matter is He wants our love and attention every day. The love and affection that we long for can be found in Him. The more you give to Him, the more He showers on you. He loves us unconditionally, His provision never ceases, and He is always accessible. In fact, He longs for us to want to be in His presence.
In the 6th chapter of St. Matthew we find what we know as The Lord’s Prayer. It startles me when I encounter people who feel that this prayer is more of a template or example, instead of a prayer that can be prayed and actually heard by God. Throughout that entire chapter God is referenced as our Father. In fact, it helps us to understand that not only does He hear us when we communicate with Him in prayer; but He also knows what we have need of before we even ask Him. Only the One who created you can know everything about how you feel, what you need, what you’ve done and even what you will do! Knowing all of this His undying love for you never wavers.
It is my hope that if you are blessed to have your father in your life that you take every opportunity, not just a holiday to honor him and show love in whatever way you can. The gift nor the size or cost is not what is most important but it is the sincerity of the heartfelt expression. I am a firm believer of being grateful for all good things that God has placed in my life.
There are men that have come into people’s lives to fill the void where the father figure is absent. If you are one of those persons you are blessed! Once again your heavenly Father has provided and fulfilled a need. I also want to encourage you if you desire to have a relationship with your father and it has not happened yet, then let that be your key word – YET! With God (Your Father) nothing is impossible!
Source: New feed