18 May 2017

He’s My All In All

You know when you’re a child, you don’t always hear nor understand certain sayings and phrases as they are intended or as they originated.  I have always wondered about the proper way to say the title of today’s blog.  I have heard some say, “He’s my all AND all”, and I’ve also heard some say “He’s my all IN all”.  Nevertheless, for the sake of what I am sharing with you today, I am praising God for being my all IN all!

I sent a text today as I often do, to check on someone very dear to me who has been a bit under the weather for a few days.  In her very upbeat and encouraging reply she also sent me a YouTube link to a song entitled “The Great Shepherd”.  The music is beautiful, and the lyrics are so very simple.  The song basically repeats over and over again . . . “I’m tending to my sheep, I’m tending to you”.  It struck me so pointedly that not only is God tending to my loved ones, He at the same time is tending to me.  Although our concerns may vary widely and the magnitude of them to different degrees, He is tending to ALL of them, and most importantly at the same time!  That is something only our God can do!

We often have good intentions, and hearts as big as all outdoors in our concerns for others.  But clearly, we humanly fall subject to our limitations.  We simply cannot be ALL things to ALL people.  No matter how sincere and deep our desire is, it is absolutely impossible!  Yet we have a Father, a Savior, the Shepherd who specializes in just that!  He can and He is ALL things to ALL people!  We just have to allow Him to be everything that He is!

So, if your earthly parent is moving on in age and now has become dependent upon others to care for him, know that God is the supreme caregiver.   If your child seems to be struggling in school and unable to grasp all that he/she needs to learn, turn the child and any disability that may be present over to God.  He has the ability, to enable the disabled!!!  If your sister’s finances are depleted and you are unable to come to her rescue, know that God will be her sufficiency and will show up right on time. 

If your co-worker has received discouraging news about their health and the diagnoses looks bleak, be well assured that God is right there with them and He is the great physician.  If your long-time friend’s world is shattered because of a divorce that was never expected to happen, there is a God that will never leave us nor forsake us.  HE IS OUR ALL IN ALL!   Everything that concerns YOU, and everything that concerns those you are connected to and others who surround you – HE IS IN THERE!   HE IS OUR ALL IN ALL!

Source: First Lady Denise