When There Aren’t Enough Words
Thanksgiving is that special day set aside to be grateful for our abundant blessings, and to celebrate the bounty of our harvest. As it is with many of our American holidays of a religious nature, I feel that one day is never enough to celebrate to the magnitude they deserve. Hence the reason why I began decorating our home for Christmas this year on Veterans’ Day, November 10th! That’s another story for another day that I am sure I’ll share in an upcoming blog.
As I began to prepare for this week’s writing, my mind went to a song written by a well-known Christian musician. I would venture to say that the song I am referring to is still quite popular in religious circles by Andrae Crouch. My husband holds Mr. Crouch in the highest regard as one of the most gifted song writers of our time. The song is “My Tribute”.
How can I say thanks for the things You have done for me?
Things so undeserved yet You gave to prove Your love for me;
The voices of a million angels could not express my gratitude
All that I am and ever hope to be I owe it all to Thee.
To God Be The Glory For the things He has done!
I shared the lyrics of the first verse of this very powerful song because Andrae Crouch sums up the feelings that remain constant in my mind and heart as I reflect upon just how truly blessed I am. Yet, I have one problem with Mr. Crouch’s first line! Being married to a man who I deem a world class musician and song writer, I know just a tad bit about how lyricists go about crafting a song. It not only has to flow rhythmically, but it also must flow line by line and make sense, which constitutes the words that are used. So, here’s my problem, and honestly I recognize that some may feel that I should just accept the lyrics of the song, sing it if I feel led, and move on. My “personal” issue is this — I cannot bring myself to say “thanks” to God. There you have it! As trivial as it may seem I have struggled with that line for YEARS! I somehow feel that God has done far too much for me to ever pauperize my gratitude with the word thanks. I have trouble just saying thanks to a person who has done something for me. I feel the least that I owe them is a complete “Thank You”.
When I look back over my life, there are not enough words in the English language, or any other for that matter, to express my appreciation for all that my God has done for me. So, the best that I can do when there are not enough words to express my heart, then there are only two things left to do. One, I have to say “Thank You”, as often as I possibly can. And I must do that both verbally and mentally. Secondly, I must live my life as a demonstration of my overwhelming gratitude. About two years ago, (and I can’t recall if anything monumental had taken place) I was walking through our home and I just belted out to the top of my lungs “Thank You Jesus”! It felt so good that I developed a habit of doing it often. Well, my husband one day had me demonstrate it in one of our Sunday morning worship services! When it comes to God, there is no shame in my game, so I let it rip!! After hearing it, one of our precious members labeled it as my Wonder Woman praise! Although I know I cannot express my gratitude that way anytime and anywhere, I make sure God knows how grateful I am as often as I possibly can. When I drop our house payment in the mailbox – I say thank you – sometimes out loud! When I start up my car – I say thank you! When I look at my beautiful, healthy, blessed husband and family – I say thank you! When I worship with our wonderful congregation — I say thank you! When I walk through the grocery store with money to feed my family and others — I say thank you! Every Sunday at 12:00 noon when I get on a conference call with my extended family — I say thank you! When I look in the mirror — I say thank you! When I have the privilege to minister to people near and far in any capacity — I say thank you! When I look at what God saved me from — I say thank you! When I am the recipient of God’s unmerited favor and forgiveness — I say thank you! When I think about His abundant grace and mercy toward me — I say thank you! When the doctor tells me that I am in excellent health — I say thank you! When I treasure the memories of the upbringing and life my parents provided for me — I say thank you! When I think of the baptism and the infilling of the Holy Spirit that daily guides my life — I say thank you! Well you are probably wondering when is she going to stop??!! That’s entirely the point, if left up to me I wouldn’t stop. When there aren’t enough words to express my gratitude, I just go on and on and on.