The Damage of Doubt
“Doubt makes us back down from God’s promises of healing, deliverance, prosperity, wholesome relationships, and fulfilling lives.”
Although the word “doubt” isn’t a very large word and not difficult to understand; the power of doubt is found in the damage it does. Doubt is very damaging in the mere fact that many people refuse to take ownership of its presence. We tend to give doubt many labels to try to avoid addressing the real issue at hand. We can soften it by calling it second guessing, uncertainty, cautiousness, hesitancy, etc. But they all equate to the monster of DOUBT. It causes us to stand frozen in our tracks when God has given us the green light to move forward. It draws question marks in our minds that make us ask ourselves questions like, “do you think you still have what it takes”? We retreat from our God-granted authority when human voices ask “what makes you think you can accomplish that?”
Doubt makes us back down from God’s promises of healing, deliverance, prosperity, wholesome relationships, and fulfilling lives. Those promises become cloudy and muddled in our minds when we experience delay, which by the way does not mean denial. When begin to question God, ourselves, and even the confirming word of others when we experience failure and setbacks. But all those things can be stepping stones to our success and accomplishment if kept in their proper perspective. However, when doubt senses the narrowest point of entry it pushes its way in with reckless abandon!
Doubt is indeed very damaging to us but more importantly it blocks the move of God! He works best when we first of all believe, then open yourself to His plan and the manner in which He chooses to orchestrate it! Just take a look at some of the effects of doubt.
D – Deterrent – Doubt deters your progress oftentimes when you are right on the brink of your breakthrough!
O – Overrules God’s plan – God has pre-destined a plan for your life, doubt can on overrule and override what God has set in place.
U – Underestimated – The damage of doubt is ALWAYS underestimated!
B – Belittle – Doubt purposes to get you to downgrade your greatness and make it appear of less importance.
T – Traps us in its grips – When in full effect, doubt is a trap that tightens its grip the longer it goes undetected and unaddressed.
So . . . when you DOUBT yourself, aren’t you really DOUBTING God?
Instead of succumbing to the debilitation of doubt the next time it comes your way, why not dare to dream and dream big! Dreams really do come true because the word of God says . . .
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29: 11 NIV)
Source: New feed