A Prayer To End The Year
As we close the door behind us on this year and approach the entrance of 2016 I am compelled to share this prayer with you for the final blog of 2015. This prayer speaks from the depth of my heart; if it touches you in any way feel free to adopt it as your own. I appreciate all of you who faithfully read my blogs and share them with others. In the coming year I pray that your lives will be overflowing with the love, joy, and peace that come from our heavenly Father.
Dear Father,
I count myself truly blessed to have reached the closing of another year. Many did not make it to this day. By no goodness of my own you saw fit for me to reach this milestone and I am grateful. Reflecting upon the days and months that are now behind me, I can honestly say that you have been my provider, my strong tower, my comforter, my healer, my keeper, and my Savior. You have been my ALL. Many things I experienced that I would rather have avoided, I now recognize it all as part of your master plan for my growth and maturity. Because of your love for me you will do whatever is necessary to secure my relationship with you. Admittedly I did not understand the significance of it all, but I have come to know your ways are higher than my ways, and your thoughts higher than my thoughts. Whatever you wish to reveal to me and whenever you deem that time to be, I await your revelation.
Lord as I enter into this new year grant me the ability and the boldness to leave those things behind that will serve no good purpose for the fulfillment of the destiny you have for me. As I empty my spirit of all things that are unlike You, I prepare myself to receive from You. Your word declares that greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world. You are He that is in me, and I am ready to allow your “greatness” to operate in me that You might be glorified. As You are glorified, the light of Your love will shine through me for all the world to see!