Recently I have been thinking and speaking to others about the need for us to pray to God in detail with specifics. I don’t know why it is that we pray in generalities. Maybe it’s because we are afraid that if we tell God exactly what we need or want, if it does not happen the disappointment will be too great. Of course, that makes human sense, but although we are human in nature, our relationship with the Father is spiritual in nature. Some find it difficult to fully relate to an entity that we cannot see or feel. In actuality, He does reveal Himself that we might see, and He can be felt.
Those of you who regularly follow my blog are aware that just last week Esther by Design hosted our 11th Annual Women’s Retreat. On the afternoon of the first day, I was heading to my hotel room for a couple hours of rest before our evening service and I was talking to two of the young ladies who were attending the Retreat for the first time. The three of us agreed that we were only a few hours into the weekend, but already it was nearly impossible to put into words what we were experiencing. The bottom line was, if you weren’t there it was virtually indescribable.
The entire space that we occupied was charged with the power of the Holy Ghost. I believe that many came with an immense level of expectation, while others sensed once they arrived that they were about to experience an unusual encounter with God. But I do not think anyone could have predicted the magnitude of what God actually did!
The Retreat ended on Sunday, and I have spent the past 3 days attempting to process the weekend from start to finish. Although I have been unable to recapture and recreate in my mind all that took place, I finally reconciled myself to summing up the encounter as Paul did in Ephesians 3: 20. “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,” I may be applying this scripture to what recently transpired in my life, but I want to encourage you to make it applicable to your life.
Theologians have labeled this scripture as a doxology or benediction and it is often used as such. However, I believe it is within the verbiage of this passage that God is telling us that He is able to not just exceed our thoughts and desires, but He is able to do it in abundance! And it is the power (Holy Ghost) that is within us that will align those thoughts and desires with His will. We have a Father who knows no limitations and it is virtually impossible for Him to lie. With each new encounter I have with the Lord, I am learning that He gets great joy out of superseding what He has previously done. The Lord God is your Father and He wants you to talk to Him and share the details of your deepest thoughts and desires. He is waiting to listen and to bless you beyond your wildest expectations!
Source: First Lady Denise