You Were Chosen To Bear Fruit
“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you
so that you might go and bear fruit – fruit that will last –
and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.
(St. John 15: 16) NIV
Recently our congregation completed a period of Consecration and Corporate Fasting in which the theme God gave our Pastor (my husband) was “Why Did God Choose You?” This Consecration was meant to be personal time of revelation, enlightenment, and recommitment. Since the conclusion of the Consecration I have reflected on the powerful move of God upon myself and all those who daily asked God this very pointed question. In my reflection and devotion time the scripture above came to light.
Many of us think we choose God when we accept His plan of salvation but in the scripture above we find that not to be true! Also we mistakenly think that God chose us simply because He loved us. While that is very true and can never be disputed, the fact is that God had a very specific plan in mind. That master plan was not just to fulfill our desires, but His intention was to first and foremost accomplish His will. The scripture above tells us that He chose us, but He also took that further and gave each of us an actual “appointment” or “assignment”. Regardless of how that varies from person to person, we have a mandate to fulfill that mission and to bear fruit.
What is that fruit you ask? Your fruit is specific to you! That fruit also must be a reproduction of what is already in you! For example an apple can never produce an orange; a horse can never produce a rabbit – make sense?? So God evidently placed something or some things in you that is worthy of reproduction. It is up to you to discover what that is. The last sentence of that scripture verse is twofold, yet our interpretation is often one sided. God is reassuring us that whatever we need in order to bear fruit He will supply. He will supply the fertile ground, He will supply the nourishment, He will supply the sunlight (Son light), everything we need is in Him.
The fruit that we bear will be made to last, made to stand the test of time, and made to personify the image of Him! When we act in obedience to bear fruit that will glorify Him, then He is not only able to perform but He promises that whatever we ask in His name (that encompasses His will) He will give it. How marvelous to know that when we fulfill God’s purpose for our lives, it not only blesses Him but we get blessed in process.