Who’s The Judge?
When we think of the attributes and characteristics of God, we must understand that God is a Spirit, who is eternal, unchangeable, full of goodness, justice, and all truth. Scripture tells us that we are created in the image and the likeness of God. We are to be the best representation or semblance of who God is. However, it is clear, that in our humanness we will never achieve the perfection of God. Therefore, some of the attributes of God will never be reached, we can only strive to please God in our actions. We will never be omniscient (all knowing), omnipresent (everywhere), nor omnipotent (all powerful).
Having a clear understanding of the introduction to today’s blog, the necessity for the first three verses of St. Matthew 7: 1 – 3, become crystal clear. The New Living Translation translates the passages in this manner, “Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged.” Unfortunately, in the Christian community we often lose sight of the admonishment we find in the scriptures regarding our criticism, judgement, and treatment of others. If we allow ourselves, it is easy to look at the actions of others and then take an unsanctioned seat of authority to decipher if they are real, qualified, and capable of what we see them doing. Often, it is taken a step further by revisiting and judging their past, their family pedigree, or their present social status.
I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that just as Jesus trained His disciples to carry on the gospel when He would no longer be present, there is still a need for those who teach, train, and lead. There is a necessity for God’s governmental authority in our society today. This governmental authority refers to the extent to which commandments and doctrines within the context of the Bible are authoritative over the belief and conduct of human beings. Even with that level of authority, St. Matthew 7: 1 – 3 still applies and should raise our awareness that there are limitations to our authority, no matter what title or office one walks in. When we step out of God’s established parameters, we actually step out of the “likeness” of God!
Although facts may present themselves that reveal a person’s nature, the only person who completely knows the heart, and intent of that person is God Himself. Even in our perception, we have limited vision. We see a person’s actions, we may even be privy to their history and their background, but that is where it ends. It is impossible for one to know a person’s true motives or their genuine desire to change or become better. If indeed their overall well-being is of real concern to us, it is our responsibility to take what we see within our limited perspective and pray for that individual. That then compels us first to go deeper into St. Matthew 7 (NLT), that is also reflected in St. Luke 6, where it asks the question, how can we even think of saying to another person, “Let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye, when you can’t see past the log in your own eye?” Time must be spent first looking in the mirror and examining introspectively our present status. If we are then honest with ourselves, we recognize when it comes to judgement, self-improvement, and repentance it must first begin with us before we set out to approach someone else. That applies even within our conversation about another person. We may attempt to rationalize our “judgement” by saying that you’re just weighing in on a conversation, topic of discussion, or sharing your opinion. Caution must always be exercised because it is easier than we think to cross that thin line and venture into the realm of unauthorized judgement!
Source: First Lady Denise