19 May 2016

What do you want?

“Life is too short to wander aimlessly without desire and direction.”

The more ministry I am engaged inĀ and the more people I come in contact with, I am amazed at how many people goĀ through life unableĀ to articulate what they really want.Ā Ā On the other hand, I believe that the greatest achievements are made by people who determine what they want, set goals for accomplishment, and refuse to stop until it is done!Ā Ā We can label them aggressive, obsessed, self-absorbed, focused, etc.Ā Ā The truth of the matter is they determined what they wanted and went after it.

I think one of the saddest things to see is a person who has gone through their entire life, and now are in their twilight years and have little to show for it.Ā Ā In this case we canā€™t even say they have unfulfilled dreams because they never allowed themselves to dreamĀ Ā — they never started the process!Ā Ā In order to accomplish anything it has to have an origination.Ā Ā Itā€™s healthy to have dreams, hopes, plans, and then as we present them back to God He will reveal to us if they are within His will.Ā Ā 

If in fact they are within His will, He will make all things available for your accomplishment because He wants you to be successful.Ā Ā But we must give Him something to work with!Ā Ā God can be a mind reader because He created our minds.Ā Ā But Heā€™s not going to make it that easy for us.Ā Ā I love Ephesians 2: 10, because it so clearly explains that we are Godā€™s workmanship and His plan did not just end with creating us, He expected and planned for us to achieve good things.Ā Ā ā€œFor we are Godā€™s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.ā€Ā Ā (NIV)

Recently in the news two African AmericanĀ women who are 100 years old accomplished some amazing feats.Ā Ā One completed a marathon, and the other set a record when she ran the 100 meter dash!Ā What is interesting about the woman who ran the 100 meter dash is that immediately after she started running, she fell.Ā Ā You would think that sheĀ would have given up ā€“ not so!Ā Ā She got up and even though her chin was badly hurt she completed the race and set a record!Ā Ā 

The mere fact that these two women even desired to do something that many would deem impossible is nothing short of incredible!Ā Ā I do not know if I have any 100 year old readers, so all the more reason for my question ā€“ whatā€™s stopping you?Ā Ā Ā Ā In order to achieve anything you first must know what you want!Ā Ā Also, you have to demolish the two ugly ā€œFā€™sā€ ā€“ FEAR AND FAILURE!Ā Ā Life is too short to wander aimlessly without desire and direction.Ā Ā I encourage you today to determine what it is that you want out of life.Ā Ā Then earnestly put it before God in prayer.Ā Ā If youā€™re serious and persistent you will get an answer.Ā Ā Understand that fulfillment will not come overnight but if youā€™re consistent in your pursuit it will happen.

Source: New feed