A Proven Track Record of Miracles
Have you ever become impatient or possibly even despondent while waiting on something to happen? I would venture to say that each one of us can admit that if we are truly honest with ourselves. We often say that we have put something in God’s hands and trust Him to take care of it; but is it really that easy?
In the 5th chapter of St. Mark we read about three miracles performed by Jesus. During this time Jesus is in the prime of His earthly ministry. The word is spreading fast about this itinerant preacher, this miracle worker, this charismatic man who seems to be drawing people like a magnet! As Jesus travels from town to town, He crosses paths with believers, skeptics, haters and everything in between. Out of the three miracles in Mark chapter 5, I want to focus on the last two. Jesus has just crossed the lake from the region of the Gerasenes where he healed the demoniac, and now on the other side of the lake crowds begin to surround Him there. A man by the name of Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue sees Jesus and falls at His feet. He pleads with Jesus to come to his house and lay hands on his daughter who is dying so that she will be healed and live.
Without hesitation Jesus sets out for Jairus’ house. But as they begin to journey on a large crowd follows Him. It is within this crowd that an unassuming woman who had been bleeding for twelve long years pressed through the crowd and simply touches the robe of Jesus! Was she trying to stop Him? No . . . in this woman’s mind she believed if she could just touch His clothes, not even make contact with His body, she would be healed. The Bible tells us that immediately Jesus notices He has been touched and asked, “Who touched my clothes?” In all that crowd He knew healing virtue had left His body! The woman falls at his feet and admits that she is the one.
Jesus makes this pronouncement to the woman and all who would hear Him, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering”. While Jesus is still speaking messengers approach Him and Jairus with the terrible news that Jairus’ daughter has now died. This is where it gets interesting. Do you think that the attitude of Jairus toward Jesus now changes? Does he say, “I approached you first, and if you hadn’t stopped to preach and minister to all these other people you could have made it to my house before my baby girl died”? Everything now could have taken a different turn. Realistically we went from needing a healing, to now needing a full- fledged miracle!
This is Jesus we’re talking about here . . . the Son of God! Nothing is too hard for Him, He never runs out of power, and rest assured He’s always on time. Sometimes it seems that things are happening all around us. It’s one rough situation after another, you get past one trial and you’re faced with another. You get one phone call about a crisis and in less than 24 hours someone else calls with their dilemma. Well, as I say “life happens”. But if we truly know the God we serve, we can rest in the assurance that our healing, our miracle, our provision, our situational turn around is on the way!
It might look like God is tending to others and prioritizing their “business” over yours, but He’s not. He really is on the way. He has not forgotten your prayers, He’s heard your cries, He’s felt your touch. Keep walking with Him as Jairus did even if things have gotten worse. If you have been dealing with this thing for more than 12 years and have sought help and all has failed, just reach out and touch Him. If your dream has died, your relationship has died, take comfort in knowing that if it originated from the mind and will of God, He will resurrect it and it will live again.
Why? Because every miracle God performs is not just for you but it is to glorify Him in all the earth. Look at what God has already done — not just for you but for others as well. He has a proven track record of miracles and He specializes in breaking His own records! You’re closer to your deliverance than you were yesterday. The miracle worker is handling somebody else’s situation right now, but He certainly has not forgotten about you.