Think On These Things…
There are several clichés often used by many to describe their state or position in life or how they feel about life in general. I often hear statements like; “Life happens” (and it does); “the struggle is real” (and often it is); “those WERE the good ole days” (and many times it was). But oftentimes I feel that I would rather entertain such statements as “Life is what you make it”; and Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. The truth of the matter is that if we choose to dwell on all the negative things that are either prevalent in our lives, or in the world today we can certainly have a field day. That was one of my mother’s favorite sayings! Yet, I would rather make the choice to think as the Apostle Paul admonished us in Philippians 4: 8.
“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things.” (KJV)
We may not be able to instantly change our circumstance, but we do have the power to govern our thinking and our beliefs! It is important to understand how your own mind works and what thoughts trigger certain emotions that affect our outlook on life which ultimately governs our behavior. I choose not to disagree with anyone that says life has its challenges, for some they are much worse than for others.
Recently I began to think about our country and how the very core of what it was built upon seems to be crumbling. The statement “In God We Trust” that is printed on our U.S. currency has been the nation’s motto since Congress approved it in 1956. The motto first appeared in the Star-Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key. But it seems like nowadays that is all it is . . . a “motto”. Even if our nation’s leaders and government officials choose not to trust in God, we should determine that we have no other choice but to trust in God! And if and when we make that choice, He will always do what is best for us to ensure the best life here on earth and with Him in eternity.
If we allow our focus to be on what’s wrong in our lives, and what appears to be spiraling out of control in the world, it will be impossible to have a positive outlook about our present or our future. In my book entitled “Your Journey Through A Personal Spiritual Rehabilitation” (A 21-day devotional), day 5 speaks of counting your blessings. I’ll share a few lines of the opening paragraph with you. “There are so many things throughout the course of a day that dominate our thoughts. Many of them are not healthy or beneficial to our overall well-being. But we give place to them and they soon become prominent in our minds, which ultimately will cause a reaction one way or another.” Life will never be perfect, but life’s imperfections are only to make us stronger, better, and more appreciative. So instead of commiserating about how bad things are, try thinking about how truly blessed you are!
Source: First Lady Denise