THE SIMPLICITY OF OUR WORSHIP (The Magnitude of the Result)
It’s the most WONDERFUL time of the year! My favorite season is indeed Springtime, however the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays truly are in my book, the most wonderful time of the year! It’s a time set aside to focus on our blessings while expressing our gratitude, gathering with those we love, sharing out of our abundance, and giving gifts to those we hold dear to our hearts. All of those acts are admirable and have become customary in expressing our feelings to those who have significant meaning in our lives. But what about the One who without Him none of that would be possible? What can we do, what can we give, how can we express how we really feel? It can be summed up in one beautiful package — the genuine, authentic expression of your worship!
Have you ever thought of the reason why God created YOU uniquely YOU! Yes, I am sure He took great pleasure in the fact that not one of His creatures has the same fingerprint. He knows the specific number of hairs on your head. He strategically placed every bone, every organ, and every cell exactly where it needs to be in order for our bodies to function specifically as they were designed! Although He takes great pleasure in each and every person He has and ever will create, how He created us is not His greatest pleasure. His greatest pleasure comes from the worship He longs for and expects from each of us. He actually ANTICIPATES your worship! The Father looks for a return from His investment. You see if indeed each one of us is uniquely created and no two persons are exactly alike, that means each one of us was created to worship the Father in our own purely original way. That worship must come from the very core of our being, from the source of our truest emotions — the heart. So often our emotions incite us to actions that are not necessarily pleasing to God and ultimately those actions may result in regret. What would it look like if we allow our emotions to be motivated and thus directed into a disposition of worship? It is an easy thing to worship God when things are going well and our surroundings are moving in a positive direction. But what is our default attitude or response when negativity hits and throws our ship into stormy weather? Is our worship thrown overboard, left to drown in the tumultuous waves of our storm? It comes down to the choice we make. I would be dishonest if I attempted to persuade you to believe that I have mastered “the simplicity of worship”. However, I can assuredly say that every day I am striving to move in that direction; and every time I see the benefits! I have determined that I owe God the true genuineness of my worship regardless of whether what I see or what I encounter is good or otherwise. My worship must originate from my heart, and then declared through my mouth. It’s goes something like this . . .
Lord, today I worship you IN MY PRAISE for all you have done!
Lord, today I worship you IN MY JOY . . .
Lord, today I worship you IN MY SADNESS . . .
Lord, today I worship you IN MY DISAPPOINTMENT . . .
Lord, today I worship you IN MY FEAR . . .
Lord, today I worship you IN MY LONELINESS . . .
Lord, today I worship you IN MY PEACE . . .
Lord, today I worship you IN MY VICTORY . . .
Lord, today I worship you IN MY FRUSTRATION . . .
Lord, today I worship you IN MY VALLEY OF DECISION . . .
I am sure with all those examples you now get the gist of where this is going. I encourage you to add to this list. The key to the simplicity of your worship is to grasp the understanding that if you can give God your worship in any and every circumstance, you can trust Him to handle whatever you are dealing with. Not only will he handle it, in the midst of your worship you can expect a visitation to let you know He receives your worship! Your God loves you just that much, that when you are careful to give Him what He desires He will be gracious unto you and work all things out for your good!
Source: New feed