The Mirror Is Your Friend
“That look in the mirror, that still small voice, the playback in our minds of our thoughts, actions, and deeds are necessary to keep us in alignment with not only how God sees us, but how He wants us!”
Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and became totally disgusted with what you saw? For years I suffered with low self-esteem to the point it was almost NO SELF-ESTEEM. Thanks be to God I have been delivered! Within the next year I will have my next book published that will tell about my struggles and ultimate deliverance from that demon! But that is not quite what I am addressing today.
There are times when we have said or done something that inwardly we are condemned to the point that we are just totally disgusted. I want to give you some comfort – and I’ll put it in the words of Martha Stewart, “that’s a good thing”. When we regret greatly the thing that we’ve done or said, the mere fact that we recognize it and do not attempt to overlook it or rationalize it is an indication that deep inside we not only know right from wrong, there is a desire to be right.
Several days ago I was engaged in a telephone conversation. It was a pleasant, easy-going conversation and the person on the other line and I were simply exchanging information about a situation of concern to the both of us. After the call ended, I was mentally rehearsing the discussion and more specifically my end of it. Although I did not say anything offensive, in my assessment I felt that at some point in the conversation it became more about what I did, what I said, and how I handled the situation. Boastfulness is merely a seed that when it reaches maturity is unmistakably full blown pride. Both can be rooted in insecurity. Surprisingly and innocently enough that is how easily the small seed grows into a deep rooted tree.
It is my desire to be humble no matter what roles I serve in, what my achievements are, where my travels take me, and who crosses my path. But I have come to realize that the very thing God admires about you, that is the very thing the devil hates – and what the devil hates you can be assured that is what he will attack! Yes, I used the word “admire”! God does admire you as His treasured creation and possession.
Dictionary.com describes the word “admire” to regard with wonder, pleasure, or approval. God admires us when we reflect His image and glorify Him in our actions. On the other hand, our enemy gloats when our actions diametrically oppose God and reflect the darkness that engulfs everything about him. Pride is the thing that ultimately caused Lucifer’s fall from grace. He was one of God’s most beautiful creatures but pride and his desire to be more than what He was what destroyed him.
That look in the mirror, that still small voice, the playback in our minds of our thoughts, actions, and deeds are necessary to keep us in alignment with not only how God sees us, but how He wants us!
” . . . God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.”
Source: First Lady Denise