The Confession of Our Culture Pt. II (The Culture of Our Families)
In my last blog I addressed a subject that has been resting heavily on my mind for a few months now. After preaching a message on the subject, and then followed it with a blog, it became apparent there was more to say on the subject. In order for you to understand the premise of the subject I will restate a portion of my last blog. When one initially looks at the word “confession” we may think of it as the acknowledgement of error or sin. However, when we look closer at the word, we find that it can also mean a formal profession of belief, or proclamation. Culture is described in as the shared beliefs, behaviors, or social environment connected with a particular aspect of society. The confession of our culture is simply the profession or proclamation of what we believe and the reason behind our behavior!
I would like for us to examine the critical nature of The Confession of our Culture, more specifically The Culture of our Families. The establishment of the family unit as we know goes back to the creation of man. God established the family in order to propagate the earth with the ultimate intent to establish His Kingdom. Unfortunately, in stark contrast and opposition, Satan who we know as our enemy, has made it his mission to destroy the family! Thus, the constant lure of our children and young people, both subliminal and blatant is ever present. Hence the reason we should never give up the fight for our families.
There are many dynamics to what a family looks like. Throughout decades the modern-day picture of a family has taken on quite a different look as each generation evolves. So, whether it is a two-parent family, a single parent family, a blended family, bi-racial family . . . whatever the composition, family is critical to our society. In my next blog I will address the subject of marriage as it relates to our culture. However, today I would like to focus on the importance of our children, their development, and the culture in which they develop within our families. Many factors influence the development of a child, i.e., environment, genetics, economic stability, etc. Our children are impacted by their home environment, learning environments, neighborhood, and persons they interact with. Many studies have been linked to child development in the first five years of life. Those are the formative years when the foundation of the child’s life should be established to ensure a positive and healthy path. Unfortunately, we know things happen beyond our control which can drastically change the trajectory of our lives. It is during those challenging times and unexpected life situations that it is so important to fight for the culture of our family.
There is no cookie-cutter culture, no magic manual to follow (apart from the Bible), no 12-step plan to ensure a wholesome and successful family. Each family has its own dynamic, its own peculiarities, its own set of core values which are specific to that family. It is within that scope that standards for living, and non-negotiables are set in place. Once again, as previously stated, it is what we believe, what we stand for! My heart aches at times for our children and young people who are faced with so many negative influences and temptations with the express purpose to lure them into pitfalls. Pitfalls that have the propensity to damage their wellbeing, and possibly destroy their future. So how is the culture of our family not only established but maintained? It takes work and commitment to setting goals and not entertaining defeat when it comes to those you love, the gift of family. Here are a few suggestions I have found to be most helpful:
· Promote and model good habits
· Establish rules and stick to them – as parents / guardians your words should
have power
· Share results and consequences of behavior
· Be consistent and fair in discipline
· Display the importance of relationships
· Enjoy life now, while planning and preparing for the future
· Create a loving, warm atmosphere in the home
· Spend quality time together
· Make family dinner / meals a priority
· Affirm and celebrate each other often
· Pray, read the Bible, and worship together as a family
· Communicate openly and honestly without criticism and judgement
· Address issues immediately, do not ignore for lack of attention
· Please, Thank You, I love you, and I’m sorry should be a standard
In your family vocabulary
· Stive to be a blessing to others
Source: New feed