05 Oct 2017

The Blessing of Family

Recently I had the privilege of spending three wonderful days with my sisters during what we have named our “Girls’ Weekend”.  We started this gathering with our mother well over 20 years ago.    We plan a weekend usually during the fall of the year and select an interesting place anywhere in the country to enjoy some quality “girl time”! Of course, that entails plenty of good food, sightseeing, and of course shopping!  We felt the importance of continuing our annual “getaways” even though our mother and one of our sisters have gone on to be with our Lord.   It was difficult at first (and still is) carrying on without them, but each year our gatherings became more meaningful. 

This year, our father passed away in June, and since we had missed our gatherings for various reasons for the past couple of years, my sister who lives in Michigan was adamant that we had to resume our cherished time together.  As we traveled to our destination by car and air the anticipation of what the weekend would hold for us was mounting!  Within the first few hours we were together it became evident to each of us that this year it was more important than ever for us to be together.  We laughed, we cried, we shared precious memories of our beloved parents and sister, we grieved, and had our time of devotion where we prayed and poured our hearts out to God. 

I have always appreciated the bond of family.  I believe it is one of God’s greatest gifts to us.  Everything about His creation of man and His divine plan for each of our lives has been carefully orchestrated – that includes the family He places us with.  He makes no mistakes.  Due to our life experiences, it is not uncommon to question why we were born into our given family.  Often people look at other families and wish they could have planned the destiny of their birth.  Because God never does anything haphazardly, there is a reason and a purpose for every decision He makes.  Regardless of whether you fit into your family by way of bloodline, adoption, or covenant bond, the composition of family is a gift from God.  Whether your family fits the description of the fictional television family known as “The Huxtables”, or the cartoon family characterized as “The Simpsons”, or anywhere in between, what we contribute to the unit develops the potential of what it can be and makes it what it is.

A family is made up of two or more persons.  Since there are no perfect people, there will never be a perfect family.  There is a familiar saying that states “life is what you make it”.  I believe the same can be said of family.  Family is what you make it.  As we strive to be the best we can be, we should also want each member of our family to be the best that he/she can be and be willing to help them to achieve it.   When that happens the potential for greatness is shared by all.  God gave us family before He gave us anything else!   Many of the differences that have separated us from our loved ones were a part of the uniqueness that God intended us to celebrate in each other.   Since tomorrow is not promised to any of us, make family a priority every day.

Check on your family members regularlyShare your heartStrive to communicate properlyResolve conflict quicklyDo not harbor grudgesShow compassionProtect each otherShow genuine interest in their livesCelebrate each other’s accomplishmentsPray earnestly for one anotherLive, laugh, love!

Source: First Lady Denise