Life in the FAST LANE
My siblings and I often share fond and even silly sayings and experiences about our parents just to keep their memories and the love we shared alive. One of my Mom’s favorite sayings when she realized time had gotten away from her, or the hours in the day had passed too quickly for her was “Oh my, the day is GONE!!” The irony of that was it would probably only be about 1:00 or 2:00 p.m. But because of her time sensitivity and my father’s punctuality, mixed with their productiveness the same sentiments are now embedded in me!
I cannot honestly say that I had my Mom’s saying in my mind when I announced the theme of my Esther by Design Fall Conference which will convene in Columbus, Ohio on Friday and Saturday, October 5 – 6, 2018, but it most certainly draws an appropriate connection — “LIFE in the FAST LANE”. This conference is expressly planned to address the concerns, challenges, opportunities, and blessings for women in society today. We have been labeled as “control freaks”, “multi-taskers”, “superwomen”, etc. In other words, we do it all! In some cases, we choose that kind of life for ourselves, yet in other cases the ball is thrown in our direction and we’re not only expected to catch it but to run with it! It won’t suffice just to catch the ball and run with it, we want to finish on top! An admirable goal to strive for but it is not always realistic.
“Where did the time go?” “This year just flew by!” “There never seems to be enough hours in the day!” These are all statements we find ourselves making or at the very least thinking just because life seems to be moving at warped speed! But if you’re not careful these casual statements will become the new reality and literally change the trajectory of your life. I remember when I gave my life to Christ at age 12, I heard the older folks in the church talking about being in the last days indicating that our time on earth was drawing to a close. I didn’t understand it then and actually not until many years later, but I understand it now.
It makes sense even through biblical revelation that time is winding up and everything about life is accelerating. I am more determined than ever that I want to live life to the fullest, enjoying God’s promises of abundant life. Because of His promises, I realize in order to truly glorify Him, I must live my life not just according to His plan but according to His specific timing as well. I cannot risk running ahead of God, or lagging behind, but I must constantly strive to be in sync with His predestined pace methodically planned for me.
I cordially invite you to join me and my esteemed panelists for an open forum during my EBD Fall Conference. Friday, October 5th at 7:30 P.M. will be for young ladies ONLY, ages 12 – 19. Saturday, October 6th from 10:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. is for women of all ages. The young ladies will also convene at the same time for part II of their own separate session. I don’t want you to miss this wonderful gathering, I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that you’ll be glad you came! The conference location is The Chapel of The Church of Christ Apostolic, 1200 Brentnell Avenue, Columbus, Ohio. Visit our website for full details.
No cost, no dress code, no pressure, no judgement . . . just come and be blessed!
Source: First Lady Denise