30 Aug 2018

Learning To Live

It is good to be back to writing my weekly blog after a two-week hiatus. I am learning (slowing but surely) that rest doesn’t mean that you’re non-productive, but rest is necessary for you to produce at your maximum level.

Another summer is coming to a close, many of our children have already returned to school and some will be returning within the next week. I remember the days of getting our daughters ready for school this time every year. Clothes and uniforms had to be purchased, everything on the school supply list had to be purchased according to specification, the appointment was made for their back to school hair style, just the right book bag had to be chosen no matter how many stores we had to visit . . . every line item on the list had to be checked! But all of this was preparation for something – their education. The goal was sending them to school to learn. It’s funny how some of us put so much effort into ensuring that our children learn all they can, but we lose sight of the importance that learning is something that should be continuous for all of us!

I firmly believe that no matter what age we are or stage of life we’re in, we must continue the quest to LEARN! Learning opens doors of opportunity, learning makes life interesting and exciting, learning presents challenges that ultimately result in accomplishments that otherwise would not be explored. In my prayer time God brought something so clear to me. He spoke that it is not His plan just for us to be ALIVE, but He wants us to LIVE!! Live with purpose, live with intelligence, live intentionally, live in abundance. Why should our lives be trapped in mediocrity when there is a whole world at our disposal to explore and experience?

Of course, we can present a host of excuses — not enough money to enroll in a class – not enough time — I’m too old to learn (study) — what will I do with what I learn? All these statements were easy for me to spout out because I’ve used them! Well no longer! I am determined that I am going to LEARN to LIVE! Recently I revisited the prayer of Jabez.

“Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me!”

If we are bold enough to follow the example of Jabez (and we all should be), then we are literally asking God for MORE! If God answers that prayer and gives us more, then it is highly likely that it will be something better, greater, different than we’ve had before. If that be the case we need the education, the knowledge, the wisdom, the discernment to handle it!

I urge you today to consider learning something new. What if God is ready for a career change for you so that He can bless you indeed? Something totally different, new and exciting that is going to not only bring greater wealth, but also expand your sphere of influence. You can begin small by exploring a hobby, begin collecting something that you need to study its origin or true meaning. Reading is a great place to begin; research free workshops; sign up for volunteer opportunities. Let us never forget God’s word! It is always the perfect place to learn. No matter how many times you have read a scripture passage or story in the Bible, if you ask God for deeper revelation in order to apply it to your life, He most assuredly will do just that! Start today, LEARNING TO LIVE!

Source: First Lady Denise