I’ve Seen Him Work
The title of this blog happens to be one of my favorite songs that the worship team of our church sings. Approximately 2 years ago I heard the song and immediately requested that my husband teach it to them to be a part of the repertoire for our worship services. Trust me, they did not disappoint! To this day, it takes me to a level of worship that is hard to put into words. I believe the song has so much meaning because the title is so true and specific to my life and my walk with the Lord.
I recently experienced one of those days that I saw Him work!! I found myself in a situation that from the natural eye looked impossible. To compound the situation, I hadn’t had to engage in this type of intense prayer over a matter of this nature for quite some time, a very long time as a matter of fact. One thing that stood out to me was that this time I did not panic. However, I knew if God did not step in, it would not be done. Although I know my husband is my “covering”, oftentimes I don’t share many of the burdens I’m carrying because I don’t want him to worry. As Pastor, he has so much to concern himself with; our family, the church and our congregation, his students at the university where he is a professor and an adjunct chaplain, and the list goes on. Additionally, he is 100% supportive of my ministry and is responsible for the music ministry for all my retreats and conferences. So, I choose not to lay every care and concern that I deal with on his shoulders. But this particular one I shared with him – I even asked him to specifically pray with me because it was just that serious. Of course, he readily agreed to. We did not “touch and agree” and pray together, as we often do right then and there. But there was a silent agreement between the two of us that we were going to pray and trust God on one accord. I honestly had no idea when or how I would get through this challenge, but I knew it was beyond my human limitations. So, I did exactly what the word of God tells us. I Peter tells us to cast all your cares upon him; Psalms 55 tells us that He will sustain us, and never suffer the righteous to be moved; and St. John 14 tells us that He leaves His peace with us so that our heart will not be troubled nor shall we be afraid. I literally tapped into the words of each of those scriptures and let the situation that seemed to be prevailing become engulfed in the Word of God.
I went to bed with the resolve that it was now in God’s hands. I soon fell asleep, but later into the night I felt both my husband’s hands pressed lightly but firmly upon my back and I realized he was in prayer. In a matter of less than 12 hours, I got the news that a miracle had taken place! Over and over I’ve seen Him work!! He never stops working, He just does what He does according to His timing. The beautiful thing is that it is strategically timed for when He will get the greatest glory!
I’ve seen Him work and I know you have too. So, give it to Him, and let Him work!! In fact today as I am writing this blog, I am trusting Him for the next miracle!
Source: First Lady Denise