16 Apr 2020

Creating Necessary Distractions

In life we find there are many things in which we lack control. In the midst of this worldwide crisis, even those things that are closest to us we are discovering we are no longer in control. Mitigating circumstances in which we lack understanding take us beyond the parameters of concern and have the potential to drive us to despair and helplessness. I have said from the onset of this crisis to this present day, that although I do not believe God created COVID 19, He has allowed its presence so that every individual on earth might seek Him to obtain the answers for that which we are to learn as a nation, as the body of Christ, and more specifically as individuals. First and foremost, we must recognize that although we are not in control, God our Father is in total control.

So, what are these necessary distractions? I would like to steer your mind away from the negative connation of the word distraction. Most often we think of a distraction as a state of mental distress, division, or disorder. However, there is a positive definition associated with distraction. Distraction can be described as that which amuses, entertains, and diverts from the negative. That is what I wish to focus on today. It will not only be helpful for you but will benefit others as you practice creating necessary distractions. The media is saturated with everything and anything connected to the Coronavirus, and our homes are infiltrated with signs, and evidence of how our lives have been dramatically changed due to this crisis. So how do we avoid becoming overwhelmed by it all? Creating necessary distractions can make a real difference. You will find that the things I have listed below not only will be advantageous to helping you cope but will enable you to positively affect the lives of others.

1) Make plans, set goals. There will be life after this for you and your loved ones. We may be isolated now, but we must believe we will be able to engage in the joys of life in the not too distant future.

2) Make it a point to reach out to persons you haven’t connected with in a long time. Texting is convenient, but a personal call speaks volumes – no pun intended!! People need to know they are loved and missed now more than ever, especially our elderly and those who live alone. Take your mind off yourself and your concerns.

3) Combat negative thoughts with positive ones. Daily affirmations are very important and bring stability to our emotional wellbeing.

4) Monitor what you take in — mentally, physically, spiritually. There’s enough devasting news and television programming; choose wisely how you entertain yourself. Keep in mind that even when you are asleep your brain does not disassociate what it has been exposed to that is disturbing. Studies have concluded that isolation creates a desire to overeat and snack unnecessarily. Engaging in exercise regularly helps the body overall and, also is a diversionary tactic to avoid the effects of sedentariness. It is also important that we “feed” our spirits properly during times of extreme stress and adversity. That can come in various forms, but

5) Do something new! Get creative! Push yourself to learn a new skill! After all, you’ve certainly got more time on your hands. You might as well be productive!

6) Share from the abundance that you have. You do not have to look far to find someone who needs help or could use a blessing. Large or small, supplying a need or showing kindness goes a long way.