Clean Slate
Well 2018 is history, and 2019 is here! For some I have heard that last year was very challenging and they are glad to finally have it behind them. For others, 2018 was a year of great blessing and fulfillment. Whatever the case for you, we now are walking into a new year with a clean slate! I know you may feel that they problems of 2018 did not dissolve at the strike of midnight and of course I cannot disagree with you. However, the fact that God granted us the privilege and blessing to witness the start of a new year means that God has once again given us the opportunity to make wiser choices, correct past mistakes, improve and increase our service to others, become greater contributors to society, and accomplish great things! A tall order? Only if you’re not willing to accept the gift of life that you have been granted.
At the beginning of January it is common knowledge that people make resolutions, but statistics prove that in a matter of three short weeks (or less) they are abandoned and fallen by the wayside. It is commonly reported that only 8 percent of resolutions are actually kept. There are many reasons people are unable to stick to their resolutions. Some fail because the resolutions are too lofty, ambitious and overly restrictive. While others are abandoned because of small mistakes that occur that can be avoided by simply making minor adjustments. Lifestyle changes in small increments have a greater chance for success and long lasting change.
I can share from personal experience that in the past I have spent too much time dwelling on past mistakes, missed opportunities, and time wasted. What we deem to be failures should be looked at as lessons learned to position us for future successes. January 1st is a new beginning, a clean slate, an opportunity to reset and begin again. Each day is a new day to do better than the day before, be better than the day before. Here are a few tips that just may help 2019 to be your best year yet!
1) Take a serious and honest assessment of yourself, your life.
2) Write down changes that need to be made and prioritize them. Your health and overall well-being should be at the top of the list.
3) Detach yourself from people and things that do not add positivity to your life.
4) Set realistic goals and realistic time frames for achievement.
5) Surround yourself with people who strive for ambition and achievement.
6) Guard your emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Never let pride stand in the way of getting help and seeking counseling.
7) Strive for progress not perfection.
8) Celebrate your accomplishments – each one is fuel for your NEXT!
9) Do not be afraid to try something new – that’s the benefit of a “reset”.
10) Invest in YOURSELF!
Source: First Lady Denise