Belief Inventory
Have you ever wondered if you truly believe what you say you believe? Many times our beliefs are questioned by others and we get defensive because we feel we’re being challenged. However, if in fact we have strong convictions we should be able to not only defend them but to demonstrate them in our everyday lives.
My husband has been preaching a very powerful series of sermons that are delving into the mental stability of a Christian. In short, he has proven that a true Christian who has been born again (accepted Christ as their Savior) can become schizophrenic or delusional in their spiritual walk! This is highly possible when our beliefs become contradictory or unrealistic. Delusions are fixed beliefs that do not change even when a person is presented with conflicting evidence. It is important that we take inventory of what we actually believe. It is possible to become an expert at stating what one believes, and even convincing through demonstration of those beliefs; however, when times of trial and testing come do those beliefs stand firm? What is it that we believe that when challenged we remain rock solid and steadfast?
Our human frailties have a tendency to quickly surface when faced with adversity and perceptions of uncertainty. For example, we believe God to be a healer because the word of God clearly states that fact and has recorded miracle healings throughout the bible. But how easily is our belief shaken when illness shows up on our doorstep. Does not the bibles say, “with His stripes we are healed”? Religion and Christianity is full of principles and beliefs, but they are mere formulas and mantras if not applied when put to the test.
There is something to be said about those who feel so strongly about their beliefs that they are willing to demonstrate and protest in public. I admit that I have mixed feelings when I see groups of protestors. My immediate question is, what do they expect to accomplish individually and corporately? One thing I can say is that I applaud their boldness and tenacity! At least they are putting the effort of action behind their words and demonstrating their beliefs! While public demonstration is not always in order, for Christians our beliefs should not only be defended but also displayed. I am reminded of Ephesians 4: 14 that paraphrased admonishes us that we should no longer act as children tossed back and forth by every wind of doctrine (false teaching), with clever techniques of deceit. The enemy seeks to conflict our thoughts and beliefs to lure us away from the truth that we know about God. The truth that when it becomes our belief gives us abundant life! Dictionary.com describes inventory as “a formal list of the property of a person or estate; to take stock of, to evaluate, or summarize”. What beliefs do you personally OWN, and claim as your proven property?
Source: First Lady Denise